Current tests confirm: windream is Windows 11-compatible
Recently edited documents in the start menu - also with windream
As many of our readers surely already know, one of the most visible and future Windows innovations is the display of recently edited documents directly in the start menu. As we have noticed, all those documents which have either been copied or moved into the folder structures of a windream system or which have been newly created there will also be displayed there. Of course, it is therefore also possible under Windows 11 to call up the documents listed as "recently edited" directly from the start menu in order to edit them further.
The main reason for the complete compatibility to Windows 11 is still our VFS-driver (called VFS-X in the latest function for the windream Dynamic Workspace) which, as a virtual file system, allows to save documents in a windream drive in the same way as in a normal network drive under Windows.
This unique feature, which distinguishes windream from all other systems, has already distinguished our ECM-system for 20 years - and will continue to do so in the future!
Dieses einzigartige Merkmal, das windream von allen anderen Systemen unterscheidet, zeichnet unser ECM-System schon seit 20 Jahren aus – und das auch in Zukunft!

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