As the boss, he ensures that our internal processes run smoothly in the background. And all this since the very first hour. The scope of his tasks at windream GmbH has been very diverse since he started two decades ago. Meanwhile, Dirk has been meeting more and more often on the "big stage". When he proves his expertise on the topics audit security, GDPdU and GoBD at windream.CON, our in-house conference, he regularly receives a lot of encouragement.
Dear Dirk, we say thank you! To the next 20 years!
Our "master of numbers" has kept the windream rudder on course for 20 years.
Congratulations Dirk! As the "master of numbers", you have kept the windream rudder on course for 20 years.
[Translate to English:]
Der Kollege, von dem wir hier sprechen, wird nicht allen Partnern und Kunden unseres Hauses bekannt sein. Denn Dirk Kimmeskamp, so sein vollständiger Name, ist als kaufmännischer Leiter nach „außen“ hin nur wenig sichtbar. Im „Inneren“ kennt ihn allerdings jeder.