Hilmar Hänel leads the partner management of windream
Bochum. Hilmar Hänel is the new team leader in the partner management of Bochum-based windream GmbH. In this function, he replaces Edwin Sembritzki, who has been a member of the management for many years. Hilmar Hänel was officially introduced to the participating partners at the 7th PARTNERCON on September 15, 2020.
The business economist (VWA) has been working for windream’s partner management for seven years. During this time, the 51-year-old windream member has significantly contributed to the expansion of the network. "Hilmar Hänel supports our partners with words and deeds. In addition, he regularly attends trade fairs, conferences and various sales events and supports his sales colleagues in marketing our ECM solutions", says Roger David, Chief Executive Officer of windream GmbH. He further points out: "In doing so, he convinces with his long-time experience in customer care as well as his excellent knowledge in software sales and sales controlling.”
This expertise was also a decisive argument for choosing Hilmar Hänel for the position of Team Leader Partner Management. In fact, Edwin Sembritzki's footprints are big. After all, he has held this leading position since the foundation of windream GmbH. Now, the 55-year-old says goodbye to the operative business and leaves windream GmbH at the end of September this year.
Larger sales team
There are also changes in the sales team. In order to further promote the sale of windream solutions especially in the northeast of Germany, the sales team has been increased to a total of ten employees. This has resulted in a new team North-East with four employees, three of whom have recently been hired. Head of this sales team is the long-time Business Alliance Manager Tim Hillig, who has been successfully supporting a substantial part of this sales area